Pauli Rose Libsohn has worked at Rallye Motors for over 40 years, but launched her literary career in 2014, when she arranged and edited a book of poems written by her mother, Mitzi Libsohn, which marked the first book published by them both. And the rest as they say, is history!

“People found the love story about her parents appealing and urged her to write about it, so she went on to write the first book entirely on her own, ‘What Is Love,’ published in June 2018.”

immortal kisses
Confessions of a poet
“Immortal Kisses – Confessions Of a Poet,” by Mitzi Libsohn, Arranged and Edited by Pauli Rose Libsohn, reveals my mother’s emotional and deeply personal “confessions” about her life-long love affair with my father. I published this volume of work, due to a promise I made to my mother before she passed, to publish her writings.
“Immortal Kisses – Confessions Of a Poet” is the Second Place Winner in the 2020 Royal Dragonfly Worldwide Book Award Contest for Poetry.

Songs of you
A postscript
“Songs Of You – A Postscript,”is an Honorary Winner in the 2021 Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Award Contest for Poetry by Mitzi Libsohn, Compiled and Edited by Pauli Rose Libsohn, makes a statement as a P.S. to that first volume, with “songs” of poetic verse previously unknown – only recently discovered, which my mother lovingly composed once again, about the powerful and enduring passion she possessed for my father.

“Silhouettes – Literary Passageways,” by Mitzi Libsohn, Arrarnged and Compiled by Pauli Rose Libsohn, reflects literary choices favored by my mother – various books and poetry all possessing the same theme – love, in which she sings their praises in the form of brilliant literary silhouettes, leading the reader through their tantalizing passageways.
” Silhouettes – Literary Passageways,” is the First Place Winner in the 2020 Royal Dragonfly Worldwide Book Award Contest for Non-Fiction/Other.

“What Is Love,” By Pauli Rose Libsohn, my biography of my parents’ life-long love affair, found to be both hypnotic and inspiring by so many. People could not get enough of the allure of this fascinating and haunting passion-filled story – a recounting of the unending and unstoppable desire my parents had for one another throughout their lives – their impassioned love affair from its beginnings, intensifying over time, and continuing to live on after the final curtain was drawn.
“What Is Love,” is an Honorary Winner of the 2020 Royal Dragonfly Worldwide Book Award Contest for Autobiography/Biography.

“My Mother and Shakespeare – A Daughter’s Journey,” is an Honorary Winner in the 2021 Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Award Contest for Non Fiction/Other by Pauli Rose Libsohn, is the last of my mother’s writings, comprised of her treasured papers on Shakespeare, written during her college years, about which I have created a fascinating story about why she kept them, and the many faceted stories behind them.

Messages of Love Remembered
Second Place Winner in the 2021 Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Awards Contest for Letters, Journals and Diaries , “Messages Of Love Remembered,” is an artistic collection of letters of love and poetic verse, newly discovered in old greeting cards packed away by my mother, composed by my parents to and of themselves. These exceptional vignettes express the true measure of their undying love and devotion – eternal adoration. Included, in this creative, yet remarkable collection, are insights into various chapters of my parents’ lives, documented and written by myself, revealing their passion for one another, and the art of love’s expression.

“The Ballet With Encores,” is a First Place winner in the 2021 Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Award Contest for Letters, Journals and Diaries. In addition, it is a Second Place winner for Autobiography/Biography in the 2021 Royal Dragonfly Book Award Contest. It is an “Ode” to my parents’ and their enduring love – a story of their beautiful romance, inspired by and composed of their own verse. These extraordinary expressions of my parents’ love for one another date from 1944 – 2007. Their life-long passion is compelling, and is a declaration of love in its most positive sense. It is the story of a bond never broken between a man and a woman, and the inspiration behind “The Ballet,” a one act play about a chapter in my parents’ lives that changed their life’s course forever.

“Runaway,”is an Honorary Winner in the 2021 Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Award Contest for Children’s Picture Books, 5 Years Old and Under and is written by Mitzi Libsohn and adapted by Pauli Rose Libsohn, is a short story composed by my mother about a little boy – ten year old Tommy who packs up all his belongings and runs away to join the circus! But what about his best pal BINGO? What would he think? When my mother read this to me all those years ago, she amazed me with her talent. Now, remembering this sweet tale, I rummaged through her papers, and adapted it for children of all ages!

“A Letter For Molly,”is an Honorary Winner in the 2021 Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Award Contest for Children’s Picture Books, 6 Years Old and Over is a true story about a chapter in my life previously forgotten, yet immortalized now by my mother – Mitzi Libsohn – and adapted by me – Pauli Rose Libsohn – which I have refashioned for children of all ages. It tells a tale of Molly, who is hoping with all her might that the old mailman is carrying a letter for her – and if so, what does it say?

“Grandfather” an Honorary Winner in the 2021 Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Award Contest for Children’s Picture Books 6 Years Older, written by Mitzi Libsohn, is a wonderful story about her beloved grandfather, and the excitement that occurred in her home – ALWAYS – when he came for a “STATE” visit. Never having forgotten the whirlwind of anticipation and the prevailing feelings of exhilaration, my mother took pen in hand and wrote it all down, just as it happened all those years ago, and which I – Pauli Rose Libsohn – have adapted for children of all ages. But, what was forgotten when Grandfather came for his visit?

As Penelope slowly drifted off to sleep and began to dream, she felt what she thought was a cool breeze floating across her cheek. Opening one eye, Penelope discovered that a gentle wind was swirling around. Then, all at once the sound of a great big WHOOSH came from somewhere in her room!
“How Penelope Learned There Really Is A Santa Claus,” is an Honorary Winner in the 2022 Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Awards for both Children’s Picture Books 6 and Older AND First Chapter Books.

Penelope was the TALK OF THE TOWN! She was causing A LOT of commotion with ALL her little friends AND parents. In fact, she was the cause of a neighborhood UPROAR! But why?
“Penelope Causes An Uproar,” is an Honorary Winner in the 2022 Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Awards for both Children’s Picture Books 6 and Older, AND First Chapter Books.

The biggest event in Penelope’s life was the day her parents sat her down at the kitchen table and told her she would finally be getting her wish to become a GROWN-UP!
“Penelope’s New Bed,” is an Honorary Winner in the 2022 Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Awards for both Children’s Picture Books 6 and Older, AND First Chapter Books.

Wondering WHATEVER could her parents want when they called her into the kitchen, Julie sat down and with a quizzical look asked “What IS IT?” Her parents, with smiles on their faces and sparkles in their eyes, exclaimed “JULIE, Daddy and I were wondering what you would like for your SIXTH birthday…”
“Julie’s Big Day,” is an Honorary Winner in the 2022 Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Awards for both Children’s Picture Books 6 and Older, AND First Chapter Books

It was Sunday, May 11th, and Penelope couldn’t wait to wake up. It was going to be a FANTABULOUS DAY. It was her HALF-BIRTHDAY AND MOTHER’S DAY all rolled into one!
Penelope’s Half-Birthday,” is an Honorary Winner in the 2023 Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Awards for both Children’s Picture Books 6 and older AND first chapter books.

Penelope Gets A Birdhouse
It was SPRING, and Penelope decided she wanted more than ANYTHING, to have a birdhouse to call her own.

Penelope's New Bike
Penelope’s new bike was sparkling in the sunshine, as ALL Penelope’s little friends, who just HAPPENED to be on their TRICYCLES, spied this NEW addition to the neighborhood, erupting with screams of “LOOK WHAT PENELOPE GOT! LOOK WHAT PENELOPE GOT! SHE GOT A TWO-WHEELER!”

Upcoming Book Launches
Penelope And The Cats' Meow
My Podcast

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Print media
Bella Magazine, Long island press and more…
Looking Forward
by Pauli Rose
I was once again voted Best Author in “The Best of The Best of Nassau County 2024,” sponsored by Blank Slate Media, for my FIFTH year in a row, having retained my title from 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023
This validates everything I have hoped for, working non-stop for so very long to have both MY writings AND those of my MOTHER’S recognized. I always knew my mother was brilliant, but now I know FOR SURE, I AM TOO! I can proudly say, I am the author and editor of an award-winning body of work.
Additionally, my mother and I received literary honors in the 2021 and 2022 “Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Awards Contest,” for Letters, Journals and Diaries, Autobiography/Biography, Poetry and Plays, achieving this over hundreds of entrants. Incredibly, ALL our books, both mine and my mother’s, have won the hearts of so many, which is a REMARKABLE FEAT.
Now “Runaway,” “A Letter For Molly,” and “Grandfather,” all written by my mother and adapted by me, are out and have won Honorable Mention, again in the Worldwide Royal Dragonfly Book Awards Contest. In addition, MY six book series about a little girl named Penelope, “Penelope’s New Bed,” “How Penelope Learned There Really Is A Santa Claus,” “Penelope Causes An UPROAR,” “Penelope’s Half-Birthday,” “Penelope Gets A Birdhouse,” and “Penelope’s New Bike,” is out and available for purchase, along with “Julie’s BIG Day,” my one stand alone book.
Don’t forget, “Penelope And The Cats’ Meow,” will be out early next year, with more to come, so keep watching, because I can’t stop writing!